Monday, February 21, 2011

The Political Victoria

I would have to say that this is the first time I have pulled at the thread of politics in my life. It has always been about faith, personal advice, what I love, what I don't love, those topics are always something I talked about, but never politics. I would have to say thats probably because I am not so involved with it. Which now, I am begging to think is not a good idea. I took my Political Ideology and this is what I received; 

Pro-Government Conservative

Based on your answers to the questionnaire, you most closely resemble survey respondents within the Pro-Government Conservative typology group. This does not mean that you necessarily fit every group characteristic or agree with the group on all issues.
Pro-Government Conservatives represent 9 percent of the American public, and 10 percent of registered voters.
Basic Description
Pro-Government Conservatives stand out for their strong religious faith and conservative views on many social and cultural issues. They also express broad support for a social safety net, which sets them apart from the other two core Republican groups. While backing George W. Bush by roughly six-to-one, this group has one of the lowest incomes levels in the typology. Pro-Government Conservatives are skeptical about the effectiveness of the marketplace, favoring government regulation to protect the public interest, and government assistance for the needy.
Defining Values
Religious, financially insecure, and favorable toward government programs. Support the Iraq war and an assertive foreign policy, but less uniformly so than Enterprisers or Social Conservatives. Back government involvement in a wide range of policy areas, from poverty assistance to protecting morality and regulating industry.

While all this is entirely right on the ball, I still have little information about politics. Maybe I dont get involved because I find it to complicated to understand, I am sure as I grow older I would surely get involved because thats when the "real world" kicks in. I don't have many influences, I try sometimes, to get more information from fellow classmates who are involved, but thats one opinion from one view point. I have never voted, so that brings another complication, closing my mouth. I talk a lot and for me to not state my opinion is hard, but I simply feel respect for those who have voted and state their opinion, they have a right too. While I, respecting their opinion, feel I do not have a right to state how I feel because I did not vote. Not that I cant, but out of respect be gentle with what I say.

I hope to get out of this class more insight on why people love politics, why its so important (Which I know why, but where do I stand in why it is important for me to know, and how can I change the importance in my life) narrowing down on less confusion of topics, learning the terms and so forth. I am simply taking this class to get my credits but I have a feeling this is the door I need to have a basic understanding of U.S government. I think the main reason why I dont have a strong feel towards this subject is because like I mentioned before, I am not in a point in life where not knowing political things is affecting me. (Or maybe I am and just dont know it) Also, maybe because I am in a relationship with God and pray about it instead hoping all that will be in God's hands. I really don't have much to say about politics other than I read stories off of yahoo and if it came down to a debate between someone who knew a lot (the teacher maybe) and I, I would lose. That's okay with me though.

5Links to mainstream video sources-

5 Links to political blog sources


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