Wednesday, March 30, 2011

National budget cuts!!

The House Appropriations Committee is already taking action from the right over the budget cuts it announced. There are so many problems with these cuts, they're insufficient and indiscriminate. There are so many aid cuts they go all around states. States have to balance their budgets every year. The Republican party seems to want to state that funding sources for government programs is better decided by state and local level . However, I live in a small town in which I grew raising our own taxes when the school wanted a new building added on. More importantly, the effects of the recession have not only caused a shortfall in tax revenues, it has caused great suffering among those who are less fortunate. Cutting programs that help the poor is absurd! Especially during a recession, and when those cuts are suggested by the same party that threatened a shut down of all legislative activity unless the administration agreed to extend tax cuts for the ones who are seemingly rich.
I am all for reducing government spending, although the Obama adminstration's proposals go pretty far, reducing the share of domestic spending to its lowest levels since the Eisenhower administration. But, if we are going to do that to help get our fiscal house in order, should we not return our tax codes to the same levels as those of the Eisenhower administration too? Let's stop repeating history! History is there so we DON'T have to repeat ourselves! 

Monday, March 21, 2011

'No Political Will'

In the blogs list Crooks and Liars I choose a blog written by Susie Madrak. She writes about a national issue that has been affecting millions. The issue of unemployment. That word alone kind of brings sad faces all around you're mind. This author here makes a clear audience of citizens who suffer unemployment. Her credibility comes directly from "Hill staffers" and "speaking with a number of House and Senate staffers". She argues a good point. A lot of unemployment has to do with a lack of will, but a lot of benefits have to do with, as Susie quotes, "No political will- They are not be indulged with letters, faxes, and calls." She is claiming here that citizens are confused with the last extension for the filing deadline to add additional benefits saying that it did not end when it said it did. Shes also putting in the fact that it seems like majority of citizens seem to be confused, out of knowledge or not getting informed about situations like these. She's also claiming that its not that citizens dont care about these types of issues its that we dont know suggesting that we call our Congress and to really start knowing what is fact and what is not because if we dont it can really misguide us as we quickly look for jobs while being on unemployment. 
She seems to really get her information by asking the Congress and being very involved, which a lot of citizens are not and since this not just a state issue but a nation wide issue it would be a smart idea to be involved. I agree completely with what she is saying and hope that I become strongly involved now and in the future! It is important to know these facts so that you're never won out of what you thought you deserved or needed. When we decide to not be well educated about these facts we tend to never really get the whole opportunity when it is granted to us. Someone who was not informed about the  benefits change or the date being brought back puts us on a stand of not having political will. Susie herself said "I know. My benefits just ran out with no job in sight, and everyone I've told - intelligent, informed people who are political junkies - told me I wouldn't have to worry because the new legislation added more benefits. It didn't."

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Our View: Teacher layoffs based only on seniority fail kids.

This authors intended audience would have to be every one! It's national of what's going on in this article. The authors credibility in this article comes directly from factual information that is happening in our states and nation also information that is being provided to us from our very own government. This authors arguments in this article are obvious-such as his focus on the kids rather than the adults. Arguing that it shouldn't be seniority that gets chosen to be teaching young adults, in his opinionated article he also states "You need only look at New York to see how senseless the current system is. When a teacher who has put a student in a chokehold or been rated unsatisfactory two years in a row keeps his job while a newer, better teacher is laid off, something needs to change." Which completely true! Why leave the crappy teachers in school teaching the kids whom they care less about and take out the new educated teachers are being taken from their jobs when they are the ones who need a chance at a job and a chance to share their education to younger American kids. The logic is quite factual and I completely agree with this article. I disagree with the government cuts and I pray it changes fast! The teacher evaluation system is also lacking, which shouldnt due to the fact that should be the number one way to prove that our kids are learning the right stuff we need to learn. It's scary and sad and it seems like no matter how many points you prove the government only makes it worse. I completely agree because teachers should get the respect they need. I have always seen it as teachers needing the one to get more pay or at least more than usual, they are the ones TEACHING our kids what they need to know, PROTECTING them the best way possible, EDUCATING them through attitudes that should be slapped for and yet they get paid some shitty salary because what?! SEE! No reason. LOL. Teachers should be getting more jobs than normal. And the government wonders why there is so much crime and kids on the street, I know its always going to be there, but hell there would be less if more opportunities were available! Teachers do so much for so little pay. But whats worse is would teachers do little if they got so much pay???

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Article Introduction

     "Scott Walker proposes deep cuts to schools". Comments flood through about postings like these that are affecting people everywhere across the U.S. is one to many of the most visited websites for U.S, world and political news. Articles like these are very important, not only is it affecting one place in the United States but it is and could also affect other places. As the article reads "[it has] stirred a national debate over public-sector unions and drawn tens of thousands of protesters to the Capitol for three weeks." Now if that isn't enough to get you worried about the future of our children, the future of us teens, then I don't know what will.

      This article is so important for many reasons. It involves the future of the children of the united states, the teachers that are teaching your kids, teens and even spouses that are going to school. If you read the article, the writer states "Even though Walker isn't ordering immediate layoffs, his budget will put tremendous pressure on schools and local governments, which will be asked to shoulder huge cuts without raising property taxes to make up the difference." Not only are we already pressured by the actual school work but now we are having budgets cut for students, and future students. How could this not affect you as you read it? Not just us, but the GOVERNMENT is being affected as well. Also a 500 million dollar cut to Medicaid. I don't know what sort of situation you are in but I on the other need Medicaid, not because I am lazy and don't have a job but unfortunately life has hit big time in my situation and I soon will be off Medicaid but what about the thousands out there that need it!! That are dying, sick babies, sick mothers who cant care for their babies, sick homeless people. Its disgusting, so far the government disgust me. NO! The republicans disgust me, its about LOVE people, not about who can get more money in their pockets, but apparently thats all they care about!

On the bright side lets see what else my classmates talked about:

Four viewpoints from girls:

Four viewpoints from guys:

(Chosen at random)